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SS helps – around 1938

behind the crumbling facade of a late nineteenth century house: 1 old woman, 1 Hitler Youth boy and 1 SS-man

In order to bend "his people" to his will, and to maintain the image of the régime, Hitler used the 3rd Reich's Ministry of Propaganda, directed by Joseph Goebbels. It filtered and censored all information from the press, radio and film. His Rhenish vassal organised mass marches, memorial days or 3rd Reich Party Rallies to the highest perfection. Thereby the comrades of the people were shown the greatness and uniqueness of the National Socialist movement and its leader, Adolf Hitler. Operations like the Winter Relief Organisation were staged to prove the solidarity of the „community of the people".


Joseph Goebbels himself described the value of  propaganda in 1933:
"That is the secret of propaganda, to saturate those who are the target of propaganda with its ideas, without them even noticing that they are being saturated. Of course propaganda has an intention. But the intention must be so cleverly concealed that whoever is supposed to fulfil the intention is utterly unaware of it . . ."  
(Fuß, Dieter, Ein Volk. Ein Reich. Ein Rundfunk. Aus der Dramaturgie der Propaganda im Dritten Reich, Begleitheft zum Tonband 185 des Instituts für Film und Bild in Wissenschaft und Unterricht, Grünwald 1973, S. 82)

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